Monday, February 28, 2011

Gadhafi still has support from certain allies

While many world leaders including the United Nations condemned, pressured and imposed sanctions to Libyan fuhrer Moammar Gadhafi for his violent and bloody suppression of the public revolt that has claimed thousands of lives, not all do.

At least three countries in Latin America love Libya's Big Brother. In fact, the continent is divided on the issue. Only Peru has broken off its ties with the North African state following Gadhafi's brutal repression in recent weeks. Brazil has remained silent over the issue since it has billions of deals with Libya and other Middle Eastern countries.

Nicaragua's Daniel OrtegaDaniel Ortega was the first to have spoken out in defense of and expressed his solidarity with the Libyan leader through phone calls.

Cuba's retired autocrat Fidel Castro emphasized that it was premature to disparage the 68-year-old Libyan leader. Castro also warned of a possible NATO attack to the oil-rich state staged by US "imperialism."

According to the attached YouTube video, Libya gave both countries interest-free loans, with Nicaragua having as much as $300 million.

Venezuela's Hugo Chávez--Gadhafi's long-time friend--broke his silence on Thursday when he tweeted "Viva Libya and its independence. Kadafi is facing a civil war!!!" Both leaders had been so close such that rumors spread last week started by Western diplomats that Gadhafi fled to the country.

The above video said that the relationship between Caracas and Tripoli has strengthened and that there has been over 150 economic and diplomatic accords signed between the two leaders over the past few years.

Castro, Chávez, Ortega and Gadhafi saw themselves as allies in an international effort to oppose US global influence.


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