Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Joan Rivers snapping naked photos of her own daughter

Joan Rivers's daughter may well be regretting letting her mother move into her Los Angeles pad.

A shocked Melissa is seen here in stills from their reality show shrieking in horror after her mother barged into the bathroom while she was showering.

The 77-year-old comedian then proceeded to take photos of her 43-year-old daughter on her mobile phone.

The footage was broadcast on their reality TV show Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best.
In the show Melissa is asked to do some naked photos by Joan Francis, the creator of the adult video series Girls Gone Wild.

For some reason Joan appears very keen for Melissa to take part, saying she is 'determined to make it happen'.

 In an apparent bid to persuade her, Joan breaks into the bathroom and starts snapping away on her mobile phone.

She says that once her daughter sees how amazing her body is she might been keen to take part in the Francis photoshoot.

A mortified Melissa screams and shouts while trying to cover herself after turning around to see her mother with a camera in hand.


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