Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lady Gaga makes a naughty nun in Atlanta

Lady Gaga has yet again caused controversy by parading on stage in a see-through rubber outfit topped off with a nun's habit.

The 24-year-old singer is in the middle of her Monster Ball Tour and is seemingly intent on pushing the boundaries every times she gets on stage.

She performed at Atlantic City in New Jersey and left nothing to the imagination, with just white crosses over her nipples and a white bikini bottom to cover her modesty.

She danced and paraded around with half naked dancers as her bright yellow hair peeped through the cornette.

As she took off the headdress of her Mother Monster costume she grabbed a torch to continue on her routine which had her fans in the audience going crazy in appreciation.

Gaga has made it a habit dressing up in religious inspired clothing. She also used a lot of Catholic imagery in the video for her song Alejandro.

She later appeared on stage in a devilish red ensemble with big padded shoulders and a giant red bow.
But love her or hate her she's doing something right because in less than a week Gaga has sold one million digital copies of her newest song, Born This Way.

This has made it the fastest selling single ever on iTunes, according to Interscope Geffen A&M.

She announced on stage last night that she will be back on tour next year with her Born This Way Ball.

Gaga is also currently promoting her range of taupe lipstick and lip glass that she designed for MAC, which gives 100 percent of Viva Glam proceeds to AIDS/HIV prevention.

And she said raising awareness of safe sex from a young age was one of her aims.

She added: 'I want to get people started at home at a younger age with their children talking about HIV, talking about AIDS, talking about safe sex.

'My mother talked to me about sex at a young age, and she always taught me to be self-aware.'

Gaga raised $34million last year through the Viva Glam campaign and hopes to raise $50 for the cause this year.

Lady Gaga has collaborated with E Street Band member Clarence Clemons on her new album.

Clemons has worked with the likes of Bruce Springsteen and said when he got a call from one of Gaga's producers that she wanted to work with him - he got on the first flight to New York from his Florida home.

He told Rolling Stone that it was an amazing experience and he would have even have played saxophone on her record for free.

'She's the real deal', Clemons says. Gaga's new album Born This Way is set to be released on May 23.


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