Thursday, February 24, 2011

Singapore innapropiate swimming trunk design

Proving that sex or even the mere suggestion of it still sells and big time at that, from Guangzhou, the Chinese city hosting the Asian games, comes these photos of the swimming trunks of the Singapore Water Polo team.

They are among the hottest photos circulating on the Internet right now even though Singapore, a highly conservative city-state, has boldly rebuked the team for their choice of swim trunks, which display disrespect to the flag by featuring an inappropriate likeness to it.

Designed by members of the team who obviously should have hired a professional designer, as they weren’t looking too closely at the phallic crescent on the trunks.

The design juts out from the groin area with the five stars to the side on a red background that appears in a rather obvious spot.

“Unfortunately the team did not seek our advice on the use of the crescent moon and stars when they designed their swim trunks. Their design is inappropriate as we want elements of the flag to be treated with dignity,” said a spokesman for the Information Ministry.

In a most unexpected turn of events, the embarrassing faux pas has inadvertently drawn much attention to the sport of water polo, which doesn’t usually glean as much coverage and media attention as other water sports.

The players are stuck with these swim trunks even if they wanted to change them, as a country’s colors cannot be altered while the Games are in progress.


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