Friday, February 11, 2011

Sydney woman sliced off the penis of her ex-lover

A Sydney businesswoman spiked her ex-lover's dinner with sleeping tablets and cut off his penis. Xian Peng, 48, died from excessive bleeding in a hospital on Wednesday.

The Ryde Local Court was told that the businesswoman, Jian Chen, 47, waited for Peng to fall asleep before stabbing him a number of times in the jaw and leg before cutting off his penis Tuesday night.
Chen has been charged with grievous bodily harm and intent to murder, but police are expected to upgrade the charges to murder when she appears at Burwood Local Court on February 23.

Peng, who had returned from China to visit his ex-lover in North Ryde, fell asleep after Chen served him soup laced with sleeping pills.

When he was asleep Chen tied up his hands and feet.

After stabbing him and severing his penis, Chen called emergency services. Ambulance officers called police when they arrived at the house.

Chen lived at the A$1 million (RM3 million), mortgage-free house with her two sons, the youngest of which was Peng’s child.

Chen's first child, a teenager, was from a past marriage.

She moved into the house 12 years ago and opened a business importing seafood in July 2009.

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