Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Women groped in the height of Egypt protests

Ms Logan, now a top news correspondent for CBS, was in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Friday when she, along with her team and its security 'were surrounded by a dangerous element amidst the celebration'.

When the 39-year-old became separated from her crew in the crush Ms Logan suffered what the TV network described as 'a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating'.

Only saved by a group of women and around 20 Egyptian soldiers, Ms Logan managed to escape and rejoin the CBS team.

She returned to the US on Saturday, where she is in hospital recovering.
Born in South Africa, Ms Logan made her name as a reporter for GMTV during the start of the Afghanistan war in 2001, also covering the war in Iraq and its violent aftermath. She joined CBS News in 2002.

On the day Mr Mubarak resigned, women reported being groped by the rowdy crowds.

One witness saw a woman slap a man after he touched her.

The man was then passed down a line of people who all slapped him and reprimanded him.

The attack on Ms Logan was one of at least 140 others suffered by reporters covering the unrest in Egypt since January 30.


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