Thursday, February 24, 2011

Zimbabwe: 46 arrested for attending lecture on Egyptian and other protests

Although organisers say the event was simply a lecture and discussion on recent protests, Zimbabwean authorities have charged them with seeking to overthrow President Robert MugabePresident Robert Mugabe. Mugabe may be becoming a bit paranoid, although no doubt he certainly deserves to be overthrown.

Police raided the meeting and seized equipment. At the meeting were activists, trade unionists, and students. The lecture was entitled"Revolt in Egypt and Tunisia: What lessons can be learnt by Zimbabwe and Africa?".

The talk was being given by a former lawmaker in the opposition Movement for Democratic Change. Seized were a video projector, laptop and two DVDs were seized. Police said they had information that the group was attempting to organise illegal street protests against the government.

There has been a virtual news blackout in Zimbabwe about the protests in Egypt and Tunisia. Some of those arrested have complained of being tortured. Mugabe has been in power since 1980 and often uses force to quell any oppoisition.

But activists have been using social network sites to galvanise opposition groups to protests emulating those across the Middle East and northern Africa.

Mr Mugabe's critics accuse him of using violence to quell his political opponents, who are part of a power sharing deal which the president says has run its course.


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