Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cheating wife failed her innocence

Samantha ‘felt she had to go through with the charade to keep her family together’ after discovering she was pregnant, said Sophie Murray, defending.

The 24-year-old’s actions, which saw two innocent people arrested, were ‘in a way understandable but the result for the two men arrested and suspected of one of the worst crimes in our law was undeniable’, said Judge Mary Mowat.

‘The more the public hears about false allegations, the less likely they, and juries, are to believe the true ones,’ the judge told Oxford crown court.

Morley told husband Thomas she was raped in the summer of 2009 during a drunken night out after he realised their daughter’s conception date tallied with his tour of duty in Helmand.

Her husband called the police but her lies emerged when she pointed out a suspect who later showed Facebook conversations proving their affair.

Mr Morley, of Bicester, Oxfordshire, is standing by his wife and has since quit the army to look after their two children.


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