Wednesday, March 9, 2011

World's smallest man should use child's booster shield

The world's smallest man Khagendra Thapa Magar has had a run in with police in Australia, who wanted to know why he was not travelling in a child's booster seat.

At just 67cm high and weighing 5kg, Khagendra is around the size of a six-month-old baby.

While on a trip to Oz to raise awareness about sex trafficking and get donations for his charity, cops pulled over the car he was travelling in for a random breath test.

Officers then questioned the driver as to why 19-year-old Khagendra was not sitting in a booster seat, only letting them continue on their journey after seeing his passport, Australian newspaper The Daily Telegraph reported.

Khagendra, who is named in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's shortest man, suffers from a condition called primordial dwarfism.

But despite the obvious challenges presented by being so small, the teenager says he doesn't wish he were taller.

'I am just happy being who I am. My family loves me just the way I am and this is more important than anything else. I see myself as a unique individual,' he told the news provider.

Another Guinness World Record holder who is pleased with their unusual title is Supatra Sasuphan.

Supatra was recently named the hairiest girl in the world and said the recognition has helped boost her confidence. 


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