Sunday, February 13, 2011

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg spends £2.50 for a bite of taco

Sitting crossed-legged in a shop doorway and munching a £2.50 chicken taco, he could pass for a student or one of the countless computer geeks in California’s Silicon Valley.
But the man in a grey Gap T-shirt, Levis and white trainers, and eating Mexican food bought at a roadside stand, is Mark Zuckerberg, boss of Facebook and the world’s youngest self-made billionaire.

Zuckerberg, 26, whose story is told in the Oscar-nominated film The Social Network, has a fortune estimated at £10billion.

He squatted and ate his taco with a friend near the Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto.

A passer-by said: ‘There was no security round him. He simply strolled to the taco stand, waited in line with everyone else and got a couple of chicken tacos with rice and tortilla chips for £2.50 to eat sat with a pal in a shop doorway.

‘Here was one of the richest men in the world, who can eat at the finest restaurants, sitting on the concrete like a penniless student. No one paid him any attention.’

There are 550 million Facebook members in 200 countries and the company is estimated to be worth more than £30  billion.

Yet Zuckerberg merely rents a three-bedroom house on a suburban street.

He and his long-term girlfriend, medical student Priscilla Chan, also 26, drive a five-year-old car from Honda’s Acura range.

Zuckerberg created Facebook in his dorm at Harvard in 2004. He dropped out of college to concentrate on it and became the world’s youngest billionaire at 23.

His dentist father Edward said: ‘When Time magazine named him its most influential man of the year in December, he replied, “It must have been a slow year.”

'He is a very humble, private man. Money doesn’t mean that much to him.’

Zuckerberg has recently joined fellow multi-billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffett in a commitment to give most of his fortune to charity.


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