Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Premature twins survive ordeal against all odds

Bournemouth twins Willow and Stanley Senior, born so small that they were too fragile too cuddle, have survived against the odds.

The twins were 14 weeks premature and stopped breathing 100 times in hospital but have now been allowed home.

The babies weighed 900g (2lb 1oz) and 1kg respectively at birth and there were fears that even changing their nappies or cuddling them could seriously injure them.

They were so small that their arms could fit inside their father’s wedding ring.

However, the twins – born with underdeveloped lungs – are now a healthy 4.8kg and 5.5kg after nearly five months of treatment.

‘That first sighting of our babies among the wires and tubes was horrendous,’ said mother Leela, 32.

‘When you see them in pain or upset, all you want to do is give them a cuddle – but you can’t do that.

'They’ve been through so much. We feel really proud of them.’

She added: ‘I’ve lost count of the times the doctors and nurses have saved the lives of our babies.’

The twins were born at Poole Hospital in Dorset in September and are now settling in at the family home in Bournemouth.


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