Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prisoners 'kowtow' to families asking for apologies

The elusive Confucian idea of respect known as kowtow is the highest sign of reverence in Chinese culture. Although usually symbolized by deferential bowing, the concept is no more purely exemplified than in the act of one person washing another’s feet.

Prisoners at Jialing jail in Sichuan province, southwest China, have been given the unique opportunity to change their attitudes and embark on a new productive path by performing the ritual of washing the feet of family members they have shamed with their immoral behavior.

Prisoners were granted permission to invite their relatives to the facility to perform the ancient ceremony in honor of the Chinese New Year.
“It is an old tradition that we have revived as Family Love Week. More than 150 prisoners washed more than 450 pairs of feet. It makes them think about their crime and the consequences,” said a prison spokesperson.

Family members can remember the “day of the feet apology” with a souvenir photo provided by the prison.

The ritual is said to be very moving and to have a powerful impact on the minds of the inmates.

It may never be too late for the human spirit to be infused with respect and empathy for the feelings of others, and everyone deserve a second chance at this thing we call life.


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