Wednesday, March 9, 2011

World's smallest man should use child's booster shield

The world's smallest man Khagendra Thapa Magar has had a run in with police in Australia, who wanted to know why he was not travelling in a child's booster seat.

At just 67cm high and weighing 5kg, Khagendra is around the size of a six-month-old baby.

While on a trip to Oz to raise awareness about sex trafficking and get donations for his charity, cops pulled over the car he was travelling in for a random breath test.

Spider bite is the new viagra

An unusual cure for erectile dysfunction was found after it emerged that a single bite from a Brazilian wandering spider can give men a four-hour erection.

A team at the Medical College of Georgia in the US found that the toxins in the spider's venom were an effective treatment for impotence in rats, suggesting it could be used to help give men and women a boost in the bedroom.

No more cigarrette display in shops

Shops will not be allowed to display tobacco from April 6 2012 as new legislation cracks down on cigarettes, although smaller stores will not have to follow the new regulations until 2015.

The government also pledged to keep an 'open mind' over plain packaging for cigarettes and other tobacco products and will undergo a process of consultation before the year is out, the Department of Health said.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fuel surcharge increase a pain for holidaymakers

Holidaymakers were told to expect a flurry of price increases after one of Britain’s biggest tour operators announced a new fuel surcharge.

The warning comes as Thomas Cook added £160 to the price of a long-haul break for a family of four to cover the soaring cost of oil.

For short-haul trips, the levy will be £15 a person, while medium haul trips will cost an extra £25 each.

Analysts predicted other operators would soon follow suit – and urged travellers to book up quickly to beat the increases.

Cheating wife failed her innocence

Samantha ‘felt she had to go through with the charade to keep her family together’ after discovering she was pregnant, said Sophie Murray, defending.

The 24-year-old’s actions, which saw two innocent people arrested, were ‘in a way understandable but the result for the two men arrested and suspected of one of the worst crimes in our law was undeniable’, said Judge Mary Mowat.

‘The more the public hears about false allegations, the less likely they, and juries, are to believe the true ones,’ the judge told Oxford crown court.
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